🆕 Product feed integration
Move over, CSV! Now you can integrate your live product catalogue directly by inserting your Google Shopping feed URL within Aiden. Integrating a feed takes just a minute!
Move over, CSV! Now you can integrate your live product catalogue directly by inserting your Google Shopping feed URL within Aiden. Integrating a feed takes just a minute!
An up-to-date product feed is vital to the success of your guided selling application. Using a product feed instead of a CSV product catalogue ensures that your customers will always see the most up-to-date product information.

Your product catalogue is automatically updated every day. You can also manually update your dataset by using the Update button. This way you no longer have to worry about outdated product information, e.g. in case of pricing changes.
Need help integrating or updating your feed?
👉 Check How to integrate a product feed (Google Shopping)
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👉 Take a look at our 🗒 Release notes.
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