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🍫 New embed: the sidebar

With the new sidebar, you can integrate your decision aid (or -check!) seamlessly into your web shop.

December 5, 2023

So many doubters, so many pages, so many places for a good choice aid. But one “place of doubt” isn't the same, which is why we've been offering different ones for years embed shapes for your Aiden apps. From pop-up to full-page and PLP to PDP and everything in between: we think it's important that you and your customers in the moment that matters you can help with good advice.

Today, we're introducing a new embed shape: the sidebar. With the sidebar, you can seamlessly integrate your decision aid into your webshop. With a slightly more neutral styling and intuitive interaction, the sidebar feels like a natural part of any website.

So smoooooooooth

Ready to launch a new decision aid? You can find the sidebar as a new option in “Embed”. Copy the embed code and place it on the pages where you want to integrate your selection aid as a sidebar:

Do you want an existing pop-up selection tool to open as a sidebar from now on? Then a small adjustment in your embed code is probably sufficient. Check the sidebar tutorial for all tips & tricks!

Stop losing customers to choice paralysis

Provide the right advice - self-serve at scale to massively grow your conversion rates.

We're happy to share our advice, completely free of charge