
🤸 At Toppy, product finders are an integral part of the content strategy

“When a product group shows real potential, is stressful to choose from, or is in an advanced stage of development, it often includes a product finder." says content manager Nena Soors.

In-store consulting experience
Less customer service
Fewer returns
🤸 At Toppy, product finders are an integral part of the content strategy
Home & Garden
Veghel, The Netherlands
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How do you distinguish yourself from all other online stores? That's what content manager Nena Soors likes to be a gardening and outdoor specialist Toppy constantly busy. “I really feel that urge. If we do nothing, you will eventually die as an online store.”

“So many new stores are being added,” says Nena. “Anyone can start one, that's not that difficult. And there are always online shops that can do it cheaper; I call them the box sliders. But we really are the experts and it's quite a challenge to express that online.”

In 2019, seven separate online stores, including the original Pooltopper, were placed under one name and website: Toppy. It proved to be a successful choice; the company grew enormously, also because many more people stayed home in the summer due to corona. But, says Nena, with everything under one roof, it has become extra important to express that you are also still the expert in various areas.

With Aiden's guided selling software, Toppy brings that expertise to the fore online again. “I really wanted a tool that simulates the conversation in a specialty store,” says Nena. “Our slogan is 'doing fun things' and this fits the bill. It's just a little bit different than using a filter, it's spontaneous and accessible. A product finder is a counselor and therefore also provides different results than a filter.”

Getting started with the Trampoline Selection Guide

Toppy's playful and recognizable content (the “Toppy copy”) is also an excellent choice tool, Nena notes with satisfaction: “You should also see it as branding, the company gets a voice. I think it's good that we have those feel can give in and think that's how you can stand out.”

At first, a product finder was only used in a few product categories, as a test. Now will guided selling become part of the fixed strategy, says Nena. “If a product group has real potential, is stressful to choose or is in an adult phase, that also includes a product finder.”

In addition, the data from guided selling can be used smartly to offer personal content. Nena: “You might be able to seduce a pool customer for a lawnmower, because if you have a pool, you also have a garden. But of course, someone with a lawnmower does not have to have a swimming pool. That's why it's quite important that we can place people in a certain segment.”

“So we're glad that a connection with Squeezely has recently been possible so that we can test that too,” says Nena. By incorporating customer responses into the customer data platform, the customer journey becomes more personal even outside the product finder.

Spot the differences: Nena shows two different spa filters

In addition to enriching the content strategy, Nena sees the product finders also contributing in two other important areas: relieving customer service and reducing the number of returns. Customers often call with questions about heat pumps and, in particular, spa filters are regularly returned due to an incorrect connection. Nena: “With images in the selection guide, we can clearly show what kind of spa filter it is and prevent customers from ordering the wrong ones.”

The product finder may now be available for many products, but Nena is not the type to sit back and relax. She remains critical and would like to stay involved in the development of the guided selling software to stay ahead of the competition. “I think Aiden keeps its customers well informed, and I think it's very important to always look at how things can be improved. I really enjoy thinking about this together,” she concludes.

About Toppy

Toppy can call itself the best garden online store in the Netherlands and was the fastest growing e-commerce company of 2020. They achieve all this with their distinctive approach - under the slogan “do fun things” - from Veghel, Brabant.

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