Bug fix

🅱️ A/B test CTA arrow

Showing an arrow icon in the CTA buttons of recommended products results in a higher click-through rate. That is why this has now been implemented across all Aiden apps.

September 7, 2023

From August 25 to today, we ran an A/B test on all Aiden apps.

The hypothesis: Adding an 'arrow' to the CTA buttons of recommended products leads to a higher click-through rate. Two weeks later and 70+ thousand decision aid sessions later, we can say: that's right! Adding an arrow icon increases the click-through rate significantly. And the effect is particularly significant on mobile.

If we look purely at the two variants, we see an increase of 1 percent point with Variant B. If we look specifically at certain devices, we see an increase of 0.57 percentage points on desktop. On mobile devices, the difference is larger, 1.26 percentage points. Good news, because most of the decision aids are used on mobile!

That is why we are rolling out an update today that now shows an arrow on all CTA buttons for recommended products.

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