💷 Decide how to display the price
You can now customize the way your product price is displayed. Read on for all the new options!
We have made a number of improvements to the 'price' field to ensure that workarounds are no longer necessary.
From Australian dollar to Polish złoty
We've expanded multi-currency support! We will now automatically interpret the correct currency from your product catalog.

Minimalist pricing? We've got you covered!
Some online stores prefer not to show the currency symbol. You can now hide this under Conversation > Advice page > Product content.

Prices that need just a bit more context
You can now set text to be displayed before and/or after the price. Useful for “From...” pricing or unit prices, such as m2 prices.

Stop losing customers to choice paralysis
Provide the right advice - self-serve at scale to massively grow your conversion rates.