Guided selling
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📋 The 11 best guided selling software tools for e-commerce in 2024

Written by
Marja Silvertant
Published on

You're looking into guided selling software. Great! Because a product finder can make a big difference in e-commerce. With various solutions on the market, we can imagine you're suffering from a bit of choice paralysis yourself. Don't worry, we're happy to help you choose. Just like guided selling software does. In this overview, we compare the best options of 2024. Go check it out!

What is guided selling software for
e-commerce and why should you use it?

Choosing the right products in online stores can be tough. Filters try to help, but they are too simple—they only show whether something is true or false and base everything on product features.

Guided selling is the next big thing in online shopping. It means using tools that help you decide what to buy, just like a salesperson would in a physical store.

Guided selling software, helps customers make better shopping choices. It uses an interactive questionnaire to match visitors with products that fit their preferences, needs, and situations.

In other words, guided selling brings the personal touch of an in-store assistant to online shopping. This makes online stores feel more friendly and helpful, which is great for both customers and businesses.

Why invest in guided selling software?

The search for new software often starts with a problem or issue, like “How can we increase our conversion rate?” The answer might involve multiple solutions, such as personalization software or a redesign.

But these options can be costly in terms of both time and money. Guided selling offers a more pragmatic way to innovate and increase conversion rates by providing visitors with good advice.

This good advice brings several advantages:

  • Better conversion: Customers who find what they’re looking for buy more quickly and more often.
  • Time savings on customer service: Customers can help themselves instead of needing to chat or call, which they often prefer.
  • Higher average order value and margin: Online stores can recommend profitable products, reducing sales driven purely by price.
  • Fewer returns: Customers buy products better suited to their needs, resulting in fewer returns.
  • Higher customer satisfaction (NPS): Customers appreciate it when their needs are prioritized, helping them make decisions more easily and confidently.
  • More returning customers: Good advice helps differentiate your online store from competitors and large platforms like Bol and Amazon.

Now that we’ve covered the benefits, let's discuss the best guided selling solution for your online store. It’s time to take the stress out of choosing.

Top guided selling software for e-commerce

1. Aiden

Aiden was born out of the frustration that consumers are often left to fend for themselves when buying online. Inspired by the vision "customers who can't decide won't buy," we wrote a successful book with that exact title and then developed a solution to address this problem.

Aiden has now become the most used guided selling software for e-commerce in Europe. We aim to make good advice available to everyone, which is why our software helps mimic the sales conversation from a physical store.

You simply ask hesitant customers a few questions about their needs, and then automatically provide advice on the most suitable products.

Thanks to Aiden AI, you can quickly set up and fine-tune your product finder. By combining filters and weighted scores, you consistently offer the best product advice, increasing both conversion rates and margins.

You can easily integrate the platform into any type of e-commerce system, such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento, and connect it with your product feed. Additionally, you can link Aiden to Google Analytics 4 and your ESP or CDP, like Squeezely and Bloomreach.

This way, you can enrich your current tools with zero-party data from your product finders, which is enormously valuable for personalizing your further marketing activities.


Price: Available upon request

Key features:

  • Get started quickly with Aiden AI
  • Dynamic conversation flows with different Q&A per type of customer
  • Nuanced recommendations based on product scores
  • Can be added to any page (PLP, PDP, SEO, etc.)
  • Available as a sidebar, pop-up, in-page, or full page
  • A/B testing
  • Links with ESP, CDP, GA4 and e-commerce platforms
  • Impact dashboard for comprehensive insights into, among other things, generated turnover, conversion

2. AB Tasty

AB Tasty primarily offers a solution for A/B testing, but also focuses on personalization and conversion rate optimization (CRO). This enables you to perform tests and provide personalized and interactive customer experiences.

AB Tasty's "Recommendations" feature focuses on delivering product recommendations. By using AI and machine learning, the tool analyzes your customers' interests and search behavior, allowing for real-time product recommendations and sending personalized emails to customers.

The tool can be integrated via a JavaScript tag and also offers plugins for various platforms, including Shopify and WooCommerce. Additionally, AB Tasty integrates with analytics tools, CDPs, and Zapier, allowing insights from the platform to be used elsewhere.

Website: AB Tasty

Price: From €999 p/m (including product recommendations)

Key features:

  • A/B testing
  • Feature experiments
  • Content personalization
  • Personalized search results and recommendations
  • Product and Content Recommendations
  • Visual product filters
  • Smart categories
  • JavaScript integrations and e-commerce platform plugins and analytics tools

3. is a platform that lets you create and share interactive content without any coding. With this tool, you can promote your brand and enhance your customers' experience. serves a broad target audience and offers various features, including personal product recommendations, chatbots, interactive quizzes and polls, gamification, and customer reviews.

The software integrates with CRM systems, email marketing tools, and analytics software.


Price: The basic plan starts at $200 p/m

Key features:

  • Customizable templates
  • Different types of interactive content
  • Various design options
  • Data Collection and Analysis
  • Integrations with other marketing platforms

4. Ebbot

In short, Ebbot is an AI-driven chatbot for websites. The chatbots focus on helping customers, generating leads, and increasing sales. Ebbot also offers a no-code solution that focuses on product recommendations, personal product questions, dynamic product filters, and A/B testing.

This tool integrates with multiple e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento, as well as Channable. Additionally, Ebbot offers integrations with various customer service and email marketing software.

Website: Ebbot

Price: Available upon request

Key features:

  • AI-driven chatbots
  • Live chat
  • Conversational UX
  • Dynamic promotion rules for product finders
  • Product bundles in product finders
  • Data collection based on interactions
  • Integrates with multiple e-commerce platforms, customer service software and email marketing software

5. Excentos

Excentos is a platform that enables you to create product finders that assist customers in finding suitable products. The platform provides a range of functionalities aimed at enhancing the customer experience and boosting sales.

Among its offerings are product finders, product configurators, gift finders, and knowledge bases.

Excentos can be integrated into any website via Javascript.

Website: Excentos

Price: Available upon request

Key features:

  • Optimization of product data by AI
  • Lead generation forms
  • Recommendations in PDF
  • Product recommendations with up- and cross-selling
  • Tracking and analysis
  • Advice on various channels

6. FactFinder

FactFinder is a product discovery platform that uses the power of AI alongside human input to offer "authentic intelligence" and enhance the online shopping experience in e-commerce stores.

The product provides a range of features, including product display, personalization, product recommendations, improved navigation on category pages, and merchandising.

By default, FactFinder integrates via API, but it also offers direct links to popular e-commerce platforms such as Magento, OXID sales, SAP, Shopware, and more.


Price: Available upon request

Key features:

  • Ranking Filters and Rules
  • Real-time personalization
  • Cross- and upselling
  • Results based on multiple locations
  • Recurring purchase forecasts
  • Optimized product pages
  • Standard integration via the API

7. Neocom is an innovative platform that uses AI technology to help customers discover the most suitable products in your online store. It offers advanced features that allow you to personalize product recommendations, improve customer experiences, and boost sales.

With Neocom, you can have interactive conversations and provide customized product recommendations. The tool can also answer customer questions about products, reducing the pressure on customer service.

Neocom integrates with various e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento.


Price: Available upon request

Key features:

  • Search behaviour-based triggers
  • Smart product ranking
  • Automatic follow-up if interested
  • Insights into user behavior and purchasing behavior
  • Integrations with various e-commerce platforms


Octane AI allows Shopify stores to create an interactive quiz that answers questions and recommends products. The tool helps qualify leads, provide product recommendations, and provide a better customer experience.

Octane AI is a Shopify plugin that integrates with popular marketing platforms such as Recharge, Klaviyo, Attentive, and Zapier.

Website: Octane AI

Price: Starting at $50 a month with a maximum of 200 interactions

Key features:

  • Create no-code quizzes
  • Advanced logic
  • Personalized product recommendations and emails
  • Data insights based on answers and reviews
  • Shopify plugin that integrates with marketing platforms

9. Outfindo

Outfindo is a platform that uses AI to help customers find suitable products in online stores. With various functions, Outfindo is focused on improving the customer experience, stimulating sales and strengthening customer relationships.

The tool includes personalized product recommendations, an advanced product search, dynamic product bundles, and the ability to perform A/B tests.

Outfindo can be easily integrated into any website via JavaScript.

Website: Outfindo

Price: From €300 p/m

Key features:

  • Product finders and product comparisons
  • Behavioral Targeting
  • Smart product data and descriptions
  • Comprehensive product listing with content
  • Can be integrated via JavaScript

10. Tweakwise

Tweakwise is a platform that helps stores optimize their search functionality, merchandising and product recommendations.

Tweakwise offers multiple solutions aimed at increasing conversion. This includes a search function with smart suggestions and auto-correction, personalizing the product lister page, stimulating cross- and upsells, and guided selling.

You can integrate Tweakwise via JavaScript or an API. Tweakwise also offers extensions for Magento, Shopware, Shopify, Sana Commerce, Core suite, and more.

Website: Tweakwise

Price: Starting at €395 p/m, guided selling is an add-on for €375 p/m

Key features:

  • Site search with smart suggestions and corrections
  • Filters on product lister pages
  • Personalized up- and cross-sell recommendations
  • Question and answer dialogues with filtered outcomes
  • Integrates data from other tools such as CDP and data platforms

11. Crobox

Crobox offers guided selling software that provides AI-driven product recommendations and customized experiences for online store visitors.

With Crobox, you can present relevant product recommendations, build product bundles, and set notifications to highlight specific products. These functionalities can then be A/B tested to determine the most effective approach for your online store.

Crobox connects with various e-commerce platforms, such as Shopify, WooCommerce and Magento. It also offers integrations with Salesforce, Google Analytics, Tealium, and Google Tag Manager.

Website: Crobox

Price: Available upon request

Key features:

  • Targeting based on visitor behavior
  • Customizable templates
  • Campaign management
  • Website personalization
  • Data and insights via an analytics dashboard
  • Integrations with various e-commerce platforms

How do you select the best guided selling software for your online store?

Each solution offers different features and benefits. So, how do you choose the best software for your online store? Unfortunately, there isn't a product finder for product finder software (yet). But we're here to assist you in making the best decision.

After all, the software that suits your online store depends on several factors.

  • Goals of your online store: Do you aim to increase conversion rates, increase cross- and upselling, improve the overall user experience, or achieve all of these simultaneously?
  • Flexibility and adaptability: How important are templates, and how crucial is your brand's identity?
  • Usability: How user-friendly is the product finder for you and your colleagues to set up, and how appealing is it for your visitors to use?
  • Scalability: While offering one product finder is beneficial, if you have various product categories, you'll want to efficiently implement guided selling for better results.
  • Integrations: How can the product finders be incorporated into your online store? Additionally, consider connecting insights from the tool to other platforms for greater impact.
  • Analysis and reporting: The success of guided selling hinges on the insights it provides. These insights not only enhance future product finders but also enrich your entire e-commerce strategy. Therefore, examine the data provided by the software closely.
  • Quality and good advice: Nuanced and personalized recommendations distinguish between a physical store and an online store. Every visitor should receive sound advice. Ensure that the software offers more than just a refined filter.

Start guided selling today and improve your online store results

E-commerce has been around for 25 years, and throughout this time, products have remained central. It's time for a change. Guided selling transforms e-commerce by prioritizing the human touch with the question "Hi, how can I help you?"

This approach places the customer ahead of the products, proving to be the key to scalable growth for online stores.

So, instead of leaving your customers to navigate on their own, invest in guided selling to bring happiness to both your customers and yourself. By using product finders, customers naturally discover the most suitable products.

Still skeptical? As experts in guided selling, we're here to assist you. We share the best practices, insights, data, and A/B tests gathered from over 2.5 million product finder sessions. Curious to see it in action? Book your free demo today.

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